National Geographic Magazine

Photographed and written by Ronan Donovan

A personal narrative about my encounter with a group of chimpanzees that have tormented a family of rural farmers in western Uganda.

Through the Lens

  • The unthinkable occurred on July 20, 2014. As Ntegeka worked in the garden, she kept the children with her. But in an instant when her back was turned, a large chimp grabbed her toddler son, Mujuni, and ran.

    Ronan Donovan

  • "My God, they look like humans." I pulled up more photos. "I know all of them, aside from the babies. Look at that baby; it's light-skinned," she said, chuck-ling.

    Ntegeka Semata

  • My heart raced as I photographed this behavior. I knew the chimps were only shadowboxing their reflections, but it did feel like an attack. Eventually, as the daylight faded, the chimps returned to their tiny forest and I was able to leave the house.

    Ronan Donovan